Assembler as62 (2)
Development Tools
Error Messages
Cannot open <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The specified file cannot be opened.
Cannot read <file kind> file <FILE NAME> The specified file cannot be read.
Cannot write <file kind> file <FILE NAME> Data cannot be written to the file.
Division by zero The divisor in the expression is 0.
Illegal syntax The statement has a syntax error.
Macro parameter range The number of macro parameters has exceeded the limit.
<macro parameter range> exceeded
CODE section <address> overlaps with The address is duplicated.
CODE section <address>
Multiple statements on the same line Two or more statements were described in one line.
Nesting level limit <nesting level limit> exceeded
Nesting of #include has exceeded the limit.
Number of macro labels limit The number of internal branch labels has exceeded the limit.
<number of macro label limit> exceeded
Second definition of label <label> The label is multiply defined.
Second definition of symbol <symbol> The symbol is multiply defined.
Unknown label <label> Reference was made to an undefined label.
Unknown mnemonic <name> A non-existing instruction was described.
Unknown symbol mask <name> The symbol mask has a description error.
Unsupported directive <directive> A non-existing pseudo-instruction was described.
Warning Message
Second definition of define symbol <symbol> The symbol is multiply defined by #define.
Section activation expected, use <.code/.bss> There is no section definition.
Expression out of range The result of the expression is out of the effective range.
+ Plus sign 1
- Minus sign 1
^H Acquires 8 high-order bits 2
^L Acquires 8 low-order bits 2
~ Negation 2
( ) Parenthesis (=3, )=11
* Multiplication 4
/Division 4
% Residue 4
<< Shifting to left 4
>> Shifting to right 4
+ Addition 5
- Subtraction 5
== Equal (relational operator) 6
!= Not equal (relational operator) 6
< Less than (relational operator) 6
<= Less than or equal (relational operator) 6
> Greater than (relational operator) 6
>= Greater than or equal (relational operator) 6
& Bit AND 7
|Bit OR 8
^Bit XOR 8
&& AND (relational operator) 9
|| OR (relational operator) 10
Numbers and symbols can be used as terms in expressions.
The expression is calculated as a signed 16-bit data.
Do not put any space or TAB between operator and number.