
(3) Register break
This break function causes a break when the A, B, X, Y, and flag (IDZC) registers reach a specified
value. Each register can be masked (so they are not included in break conditions). The flag register can
be masked in bit units. A break occurs when the above registers are modified to satisfy all set condi-
Table Commands/menu item to set register break
Function Command Menu
Set register break conditions br [Break | Register Break...]
Clear register break conditions brc [Break | Register Break...]
For example, if the program is executed after setting 0 for the data of register A and 1 for the data of
flag C and masking all others, the program breaks when the A register is cleared to 0 and the C flag is
set to 1.
(4) Multiple break
The debugger supports a multiple break function that consists of a PC breakpoint, a data break
condition and a register break condition. Each break condition is the same as that of the independent
break function. A break occurs when all the set conditions are satisfied. The program will not break at
the position set by multiple break when executing the command g <address> or n.
Table Commands/menu item to set multiple break
Function Command Menu
Set multiple break conditions bm [Break | Multiple Break...]
Clear multiple break conditions bmc [Break | Multiple Break...]
Forced break by the [Key Break] button or the [Esc] key
The [Key Break] button or the [Esc] key can be used to forcibly terminate the program under execu-
tion when the program has fallen into an endless loop or cannot exit a standby (HALT or SLEEP)
[Key Break] button
Forced break by the [Break] or [Reset] switch on the ICE
The [Break] or [Reset] switch can also be used to forcibly terminate the program being executed.
Break enable/disable mode in the ICE
The ICE has two break modes: break enable mode and break disable mode.
Break enable mode (default)
In this mode, any break factor can suspend the target program being executed.
Break disable mode
In this mode, only the forced break function ([Key Break] button, [Esc] key, [Break] switch and [Reset]
switch) can suspend the target program being executed. When a break condition that is set by a break
command is met during program execution, the ICE outputs a SYNC pulse from the SYNC pin but
does not suspend the program being executed. This function can be used as an oscilloscope synchro-
nous signal to measure the target circuit timing using the pulse as a reference.
Table Commands to set ICE break mode
Function Command
Set break enable mode be
Set break disable mode bsyn
The command breaks control of the trace operation according to the set trace condition. If "Start" or
"Middle" is selected as the trace condition, the target program temporarily breaks when the set break
condition is met but restarts for sampling trace information. The program execution is terminated
after the trace information is completely sampled.