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VSG/VSSG • Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SSG
Section 7 • Warranty and Parts
Warranty Claim Processing
This section explains how the warranty claim is pro-
cessed and to help clear any questions that may arise
prior to contacting customer service. For additional war-
ranty information, refer to the VSG/VSSG Standard Vilter
Warranty Statement on page i. Vilter contact informa-
tion can be found on page ii.
1. The warranty process starts with contacting a Vilter
Service and Warranty (S&W) department represen-
tative. Ensure to have the original Vilter sales order
number for the equipment available to better assist
2. Our Vilter S&W representative will confi rm if the
equipment is within the warranty time frame as de-
scribed in the warranty statement.
If the equipment (Part/Compressor/Compressor Motor)
is within the warranty time frame, proceed to the follow-
ing section regarding the type of equipment:
1. Submit a Purchase Order (PO) to procure the re-
placement part:
• The correct Vilter part number and the
• The original Vilter sales order for the
2. Request a Return Material Authorization (RMA)
• Please provide as much information describ-
ing the mode of failure to be recorded on the
RMA document. This will assist us with pro-
viding a quicker review once we have received
the warranty part (ex. Part does not calibrate,
part does not read correct temperature, etc.).
• Any additional parts returned on the RMA
that is not listed, will be returned freight col-
lect or scrapped. The RMA is valid for 60 days
from the RMA request date.
3. After replacing the warranty part:
• Ship the part to Vilter per the instructions on
the RMA document.
• Please include a copy of the RMA document
in the box for identifi cation purposes when
the part is received.
4. Part to be evaluated.
5. Warranty Consideration:
• Acceptance – A credit will be provided for the
customer part sales order.
• Denial – Notifi cation of denial will be provid-
ed to the customer.
• Due to the site specifi c nature of compressor warran-
ty, all warranty responses must be mitigated through
a Vilter S&W department representative.
The warrany is a pass through warranty as stated in the
equipment warranty and as such will be determined by
the manufacturer. All extraneous expenses (i.e. shipping,
removal/installation, alignment) are not covered by Vilter’s
nor the manufacturer’s warranty.
1. The motor will need to be taken to the nearest
Electrical Apparatus Service Association (EASA) re-
pair facility or motor manufacturer approved repair
2. The motor shop will provide the motor manufac-
turer with the failure analysis.
3. The motor manufacturer will make the warranty
On Site Service Support
If on site support is required, contact a Vilter S&W de-
partment representative to start this process.
Warranty does not cover labor and extraneous expenses.
1. A quote, a service rate sheet, and the service terms
and conditions will be provided.
2. Submit a PO.
3. Schedule the service visit.