5 – 8
VSG/VSSG • Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SSG
Section 5 • Maintenance/Service
Coalescing Filter Replacement
Use appropriate lifting devices and additional
personnel when lifting heavy components. Ensure
lifting devices are capable of lifting the weight o
the component. Use lifting points (i.e. bolt holes
designated for lifting eye bolts) that are provided
on the component. Failure to comply may result in
serious injury.
Avoid skin contact with any condensate or oil. Wear
rubber gloves and a face shield when working with
condensate or oil. Failure to comply may result in
serious injury or death.
For coalescing oil fi lters (11-7/8 in. O.D.), a tubing
(3/4 in. O.D. x 6 ft. long ) can be used to aid in
removal and installation of the element.
1. Isolate the compressor unit, see Compressor Unit
Isolation procedure.
2. If required, install lifting eyes on oil separator man-
hole cover, see Figure 5-6.
3. Secure appropriate lifting device to oil separator
manhole cover.
4. Remove all bolts except top four bolts securing oil
separator manhole cover to oil separator vessel.
5. Adjust lifting device as needed to hold weight of oil
separator manhole cover.
6. Remove remaining four bolts and oil separator
manhole cover from oil separator vessel.
7. Remove nuts, fl at washer and cover plate securing
coalescing oil fi lter to hold-down rod.
8. With assistance of second person, remove coalesc-
ing fi lter from oil separator vessel.
9. Repeat steps 7 and 8 to remove additional coalesc-
ing fi lters, as required.
10. Install tubing over hold-down rod. Position tubing
as far back as possible.
11. With assistance of second person, position coalesc-
ing element over tubing and through hole of cen-
tering strap.
12. Push coalescing fi lter into vessel until fully seated
Oil Separator
Manhole Cover
Figure 5-6. Oil Separator Manhole Cover and Coalescing Filter Assembly
Centering Strap
Coalescing Filter
Hold-Down Rod
3/4 in. O.D.
Tubing, 6 ft. long
Flat Washer
Flat Washer
Oil Separator Vessel
Pipe Stub