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VSG/VSSG • Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual •Vilter/Emerson • 35391SSG
1. Compressor Model
VSG = Vilter Single Screw Compressor
VSSG = Vilter Single Screw Compressor
(Compressor models 291, 341, 451 & 601 -
these are 240mm diameter rotors with
counter clockwise rotation)
VRSG = Vilter Twin Screw
2. Size
CFM - Nominal CFM displacement of the compressor at
3600 rpm
3. Slide Arrangement
VVR = Variable Volume Ratio; Parallex™
4. Gas Compressed
L = Landfi ll Gas
D = Digester Service Site Application
N = Natural Gas (Primarily Methane)
G = Other Gas Type
5. Application
HP = High Stage with Oil Pump
HN = High Stage no Oil Pump
6. Driver
VFD = Variable Frequency Drive
EMD = Electric Motor Drive
ENG = Engine Drive
7. Separator Type
16 = 16 inch diameter 36 = 36 inch diameter
20 = 20 inch diameter 42 = 42 inch diameter
24 = 24 inch diameter 48 = 48 inch diameter
30 = 30 inch diameter 54 = 54 inch diameter
H = Horizontal V = Vertical
SH = Special Horizontal SV = Special Vertical
8. Economizer
NEC = No Economizer, Economizer Ports Plugged
HEC = Holes drilled in Economizer Plug for Oil
or Unloading
9. Oil Cooler
PLT = Plate
ST = Shell and Tube
REM = Remote
10. Oil Cooling Medium
REF = Refrigerant
WTR = Water
GL = Glycol
AIR = Air
Gas Compressor Unit Model Designations
The compressor unit model designation can be found on the nameplate. For nameplate location, see Component
Identifi cation on section page 1-4.
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Figure 1-1. Gas Compressor Unit Model Designation
Section 1 • General Information