
2-14 Computer Group Literature Center Web Site
Programming Details
PCI Arbitration Assignments for MV64360 ASIC
PCI arbitration is performed by the MV64360 ASIC. The MV64360
integrates two PCI arbiters, one for each PCI interface (PCI Bus 0/1). Each
arbiter can handle up to six external agents plus one internal agent (PCI
Bus 0/1 master). The internal PCI arbiter REQ#/GNT# signals are
multiplexed on the MV64360 MPP pins. The internal PCI arbiter is
disabled by default (the MPP pins function as general purpose inputs).
Software will configure the MPP pins to function as request/grant pairs for
the internal PCI arbiter.
The arbitration assignments on MVME6100 are as follows:
PCI Bus 1 Local Bus PMC Expansion Slots
Two PMC slots reside on the PCI Bus 1 local bus. The presence of PMCs
can be positively determined by reading System Status Register 3. The
INTA#, INTB#, INTC#, and INTD# from the PMC slots are routed by the
MVME6100 as follows:
Table 2-7. PCI Arbitration Assignments for MV64360
Assignment PCI Master(s)
30, 31 PCI6520 (PMCspan bridge) GNT (MPP30), REQ (MPP 31)
28, 29 Tsi148 ASIC (VMEbus) GNT (MPP 28), REQ (MPP 29)
12, 13 PMC Slot 0 GNT, REQ
14, 15 PMC Slot 1 GNT, REQ
8, 9 PMC Slot 0 Secondary PCI Agent / IPMC761 GNT, REQ
10, 11 PMC Slot 1 Secondary PCI Agent GNT, REQ