2Programming Details
This chapter includes additional programming information for the
MVME6100 single-board computer. Items discussed include:
❏ MV64360 Multi-Purpose Port Configuration on page 2-1
❏ MV64360 Reset Configuration on page 2-3
❏ Flash Memory on page 2-8
❏ Real-Time Clock and NVRAM on page 2-8
❏ Two-Wire Serial Interface on page 2-9
❏ DDR DRAM Serial Presence Detect on page 2-10
❏ MV64360 Initialization on page 2-11
❏ VPD and User Configuration EEPROMs on page 2-11
❏ Temperature Sensor on page 2-11
❏ MV64360 Device Controller Bank Assignments on page 2-11
❏ MPC Bus and PCI Bus Arbitration on page 2-12
❏ PCI Bus 0 and PCI Bus 1 Local Buses on page 2-12
❏ MV64360 Interrupt Controller on page 2-16
❏ MV64360 Endian Issues on page 2-18
MV64360 Multi-Purpose Port Configuration
The MV64360 contains a 32-bit multi-purpose port (MPP). The MPP pins
can be configured as general purpose I/O pins, as external interrupt inputs,
or as a specific control/status pin for one of the MV64360 internal devices.
After reset, all MPP pins default to GPP pins (general purpose inputs).
Software must then configure each of the pins for the desired function. The