Two-Wire Serial Interface
http://www.motorola.com/computer/literature 2-9
Two-Wire Serial Interface
A two-wire serial interface for the MVME6100 is provided by an I
compatible serial controller integrated into the MV64360 system
controller. The I
C serial controller provides two basic functions. The first
function is to provide MV64360 register initialization following a reset.
The MV64360 can be configured (by switch setting) to automatically read
data out of a serial EEPROM following a reset and initialize any number
of internal registers. In the second function, the controller is used by the
system software to read the contents of the VPD and SPD EEPROMs
contained on the MVME6100 to initialize the memory controller and other
interfaces. For additional details regarding the MV64360 two-wire serial
controller operation, refer to the MV64360 System Controller Data Sheet.
See Appendix A, Related Documentation.
Table 2-3. M48T37V Access
Address Offset Function - 0xF1110000
0x0000 - 0x5FFF Available for users
0x0100 - 0x0200 VxWorks "bootline"
0x6000 - 0x6FFF Reserved (MOTLoad expansion)
0x7000 - 0x7FEF MOTLoad use (GEVs)
0x7FF0 0 0x7FFF Real Time Block