The format operation may have a defect list, if a defect list is supplied, a new
defect list is built below the user supplied defect list with the four byte header
as required by the SCSI device. Three defect list types are accepted.
The new defect list is built as following:
Build 4 byte defect list header:
If no defects are supplied by the user, a 4 byte defect list header is built.
Build 4 byte defect list header.
The format command descriptor block is built based on the above information
regarding defect list, defect list type, the CL bit in byte offset $14 of user format
packet, and the interleave from byte offset $0E.
type 0 User list in logical block number.
type 1 User list in head, cylinder, sector within track.
type 2 User list in head, cylinder, bytes from index.
Byte 0 = 00.
Byte 1 = $80 ORed with bits 6-4 of byte offset $14
of format packet. These bits give the user
control certification and primary defect
list, and stop format on defect list error.
Byte 2 & 3 = Defect list length.
Byte 4 to n = Defect entries as needed.
No conversion is made from one defect
list type to another type.
Byte 0 = 00.
Byte 1 = $80 ORed with bits 6-4 of byte offset $14
of format packet. These bits give the user
control certification and primary defect
list, and stop format on defect list error.
Byte 2 & 3 = 00 Defect list length.