Request Sense Data Packet
Request Sense Data Packet
The request sense data command ($03) returns the status of the controller. The
maximum length parameter and the data pointer are used to return this status.
The actual format and the number of bytes returned is controller- specific.
Refer to the appropriate controller manual for information.
The table below shows the request sense data packet.
Even Byte \
Odd Byte \
$18 xxxxxxxx Status from SCSI
firmware (byte 2)
(Note 1)
$19 xxxxxxxx Status from SCSI
firmware (byte 3)
(Note 1)
1. Refer to Chapter 3.
FC B8 74 30
+$00 Controller LUN Device LUN
+$02 Status Byte 0 Status Byte 1 (Note 1)
+$04 0 0 Maximum Data Length
+$06 Returned Data Pointer (MSW)
+$08 Returned Data Pointer (LSW)
+$0A 0000
+$0C 0000
+$0E 0000
+$10 0000
+$12 0000
+$14 0 0 Function Code (5C)
+$16 Interrupt Level Vector Number
+$18 Status Byte 2 Status Byte 3 (Note 1)