Assign Alternate Sector Packet (SCSI)
The defect list is optional for this command. If the number of defects in the
defect list is 0, a format device command with no defects is sent to the
controller. If the field is nonzero, the defect list is sent to the controller.
The defect list is re-formatted by the SCSI firmware, if necessary, to the format
required by the controller.
Assign Alternate Sector Packet (SCSI)
The SCSI command sent to the controller is: Assign alternate block ($07).
A size error status is returned if there is not at least one entry in the defect list.
The defect list used is the user list, but with a byte count added in the second
word by the SCSI firmware.
The first table is the details of a format/assign alternate sector packet. The
second table is the related defect list.
Even Byte \
Odd Byte \
Winchester Mode select $15 Configures the controller for drive
operational parameters.
Format device $04 Formats drive.
Floppy Format device $04 Formats drive.
FC B8 74 30
+$00 Controller LUN Device LUN
+$02 Status Byte 0 Status Byte 1 (Note 1)
+$04 Number of Entries in Defect List
+$06 Pointer to Defect List (MSW)
+$08 Pointer to Defect List (LSW)
+$0A 0000
+$0C 0000