
Parameter Description Min. Max. Default
No. value value Ex-Factory
P540 Memory Fault Alarm
If the control unit detects a memory fault 0 3 both
P541 PV Out of Limits
If the Pv is out of limits then an alarm can be reported by
a relay, current output or by both 0 3 both
P542 Current Saturated
If the current is saturated is out of limits then an alarm
can be reported by a relay, current output or by both 0 3 none
P543 Temperature Out of Limits
If the temperature is out of limits then an alarm can be
reported bya relay, current output or by both 0 3 none
P545 Digital Input 1 Active - - -
P570 Display Select 1 (upper)
This parameter designates what is shown on the upper
display and can be selected from a list (PV, %, clock) 1 - - Time
P571 Display Select 2 (mid)
This parameter designates what is shown on the mid
display and can be selected from a list (PV, %, clock) 1 - - PV
P572 Display Select 3 (lower)
This parameter designates what is shown on the lower
display and can be selected from a list (PV, %, clock) 1 - - bar graph
P575 Backlight On/Off - - -
P630 Set Frequency of Operation - - -
High, Low or Auto
P640 Min dB - - -
P641 Max dB - - -
P642 Sensor Dirty Threshold
A user alterable value in dBs.The control unit
compares successive zero calibrations and if the
difference exceeds this value then the control unit
displays the warning 'CHECK SENSOR CLEAN'. 0 - 0
P700 4mA output adjust
Factory calibrated. The user can adjust the 4mA output
via the up down arrows - - 735
P701 20mA output adjust
Factory calibrated. The user can adjust the 20mA output
via the up down arrows - - 3194
P702 Set Current
Force current to a value to check loop equipment - - 0
P730 Date - - -
P731 Time - - -