
Parameter Description Min. Max. Default
No. value value Ex-Factory
P400 Lower range value
The mA set point for minimum PV in selected units - - 0
P401 Upper range value
The mA set point for maximum PV in selected units - - auto
P402 Alarm action
The is the value that the current will drive to on alarm
action. The alarm action is programable and is selected
from list (3.6/21mA/hold last reading). 1 3 hold
P403 0-20mA/4-20mA
The mA output is selectable by user,
either 0 or 4 to 20mA 1 2 4-20mA
P410 Relay 1 Mode
Select Relay function from a list (Off, Set Point,Desludge
Alarm, Totaliser, Fault) 1 5 set point
P411 Relay 1 On Point
The value of the variable (as set in relay mode parameter)
at which relay 1 turns on. Programmable by user - - 0
P412 Relay 1 Off Point
The value of the variable (as set in relay mode parameter)
at which relay 1 turns off. - - 0
P413 Relay 1 Min On Time
A programmable parameter for the minimum on time
of relay 1. This is to overcome slugs of clear liquor at
the start of desludge cycles 0:00 999.59 000:00
P414 Relay1 Max On Time
A programmable parameter for the maximum on time
of relay 1. This is to ensure, for example, a pump does
not continue to run due to a faulty signal from sensor. 0:00 999.59 000:00
P420 Relay 2 Mode
Select Relay function from a list (Off, Set Point,Desludge
Alarm, Totaliser, Fault) 1 5 set point
P421 Relay 2 On Point
The value of the variable (as set in relay mode parameter)
at which relay 2 turns on. Programmable by user - - 0
P422 Relay 2 Off Point
The value of the variable (as set in relay mode parameter)
at which relay 2 turns off. Programmable by user - - 0
P423 Relay 2 Min On Time
A programmable parameter for the minimum on time
of relay 2. This is to overcome slugs of clear liquor at
the start of desludge cycles 0:00 999.59 000:00
P424 Relay 2 Max On Time
A programmable parameter for the maximum on time
of relay off. This is to ensure, for example, a pump does
not continue to run due to a faulty signal from sensor. 0:00 999.59 000:00
P415 Relay 1 Min Off Time - - -
P425 Relay 2 Min Off Time - - -