3. Use the down arrow key (ß) to highlight the TOGGLE RUN option and select it using the “ENT” key. The
TOGGLE RUN screen is then displayed:
4. To open (or close) the padlock press ENT as required. Press ESC to return to the main menu.
5. Programming is now enabled.
6. From the Main Menu screen, use the down arrow key (ß) to highlight the SETUP option and select it using
the “ENT” key
7. In the SETUP menu use the ß key to highlight the OUTPUT option and select it.
8. In the OUTPUT menu use the ß key to highlight the RELAY option and select it.
9. The parameters associated with the relays are now shown.
10. In the RELAY menu highlight the RELAY 1 MODE and select it using the “ENT” key.
Relay 1 Mode 0
Set Point P410
11. Press the right key (Þ) to highlight the option.
Relay 1 Mode 0
Set Point P410
12. Note; with the option highlighted pressing the up and down arrows scrolls through the available options.
13. With the set point option highlighted press ENT to select. The highlighting now disappears.
14. Pressing ß will display the next item in the menu, RL1 On Point.
RL1 On Point % 0
0.00 P411
15. This is a numeric parameter, therefore pressing Þ highlights the first digit that can be edited.
RL1 On Point % 0
000.00 P411
16. Select the digit to be edited by pressing Þ as necessary.
RL1 On Point % 0
000.00 P411