Net Oil Computer Supplement 59
Troubleshooting IndexSeries 3000 MenusNOC Operation
Chapter 6
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
6.1 About this chapter
This chapter provides information on the status alarms associated with the NOC application.
Note: For information on diagnostics or troubleshooting for the Series 3000 platform, see the manual
entitled Series 3000 MVD Transmitters and Controllers: Configuration and Use Manual.
6.2 NOC status alarms
Table 6-1 lists all status alarms associated with the NOC application, with descriptions and suggested
user actions.
For information on other Series 3000 status alarms, see the manual entitled Series 3000 MVD
Transmitters and Controllers: Configuration and Use Manual.
Table 6-1 Process alarms
menu listing Description User actions
A136 Power Outage The power was off for at least 30 seconds. No action required.
A137 Measurements
Continuous mode measurements are paused. No action required. If desired,
resume measurement.
A138 TBR Active The drive gain has exceeded the configured TBR
threshold and the configured TBR action has
been implemented.
No action required.
A139 Water Cut
The water cut measured by the water cut monitor
is above the configured External Water Cut Limit.
No action required.
A140 TMR active The drive gain from the TMR gas meter has
exceeded the configured TMR threshold.
No action required.