Net Oil Computer Supplement 25
Configuring the NOC Application
NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin NOC Overview NOC ConfigurationUsing the DisplayBefore You Begin
4. If you are using Well Test mode:
a. Use the Well Data-Densities menu to specify the well to configure.
b. Assign a name to the well.
c. Use the Well Data-Densities menu to set the well parameters for the well to be measured.
See Table 4-1 for definitions of these parameters.
d. Repeat for all wells in the system.
Note: Micro Motion recommends configuring wells in the order in which they will be tested. For
example, the first well to be tested should be Well 1; the second well should be Well 2, and so on. If
you do this, you can use the NEXT function to move to the next well automatically.
5. Use the External Inputs menu shown in Figure 4-1 to enable or disable use of a water cut
monitor. If
Water Cut Monitor is enabled, additional setup is required. See Section 4.4.
6. Use the External Inputs menu shown in Figure 4-1 to enable or disable gas measurement. If
Gas Meter is enabled, additional setup is required. See Section 4.7.
Table 4-1 Well parameters
Parameter Default Description
Well name None (Well Test mode only) Enter a name to identify this well.
The name may contain a maximum of 16 characters, including spaces.
Oil density 0.8000
The density of oil from this well, at reference pressure and reference temperature.
Required only if density-based water cut will be used. See Section 2.2.5.
Water density 1.0000
The density of water from this well, at reference pressure and reference temperature.
Required only if density-based water cut will be used. See Section 2.2.5.
Gas reference
(Used only if gas measurement is implemented) The density of gas from this well at
reference pressure and reference temperature.
compensated oil
The factor used to compensate the configured reference density of oil for the effect of
pressure. See Section 2.3.2.
0.0 PSI The reference pressure value used to correct line density values to standard density
Purge time 0 sec (Well Test mode only) The measurement delay period after a well test has been
started. Used to allow the separator to empty any contents from the previous test.
Oil deviation 0.5000
The maximum acceptable difference between two consecutive density readings
during a density determination for oil. If the difference is greater than the configured
oil deviation, the density averaging is restarted. See Section 4.9.2.
Water deviation 0.5000
The maximum acceptable difference between two consecutive density readings
during a density determination for water. If the difference is greater than the
configured oil deviation, the density averaging is restarted. See Section 4.9.1.
Oil duration ave 30 sec The sample time, in seconds, for an oil density determination procedure. See
Section 4.9.2.
Water duration ave 30 sec The sample time, in seconds, for an in-line water density determination procedure.
See Section 4.9.1.