46 Micro Motion
Series 3000 MVD Transmitters
Operation Mode – NOC
Table 5-2 Quick View data – Well Test mode
Process variable Definition
Average net oil rate Current net oil flow rate. May or may not include oil carry-over, depending on TMR
Net oil total Total net oil, by volume, calculated from the beginning of the well test. May or may not include
oil carry-over, depending on TMR configuration.
Average water cut Average water cut value, calculated from the beginning of the well test.
Average gross rate Average flow rate of production fluid, calculated from the beginning of the well test. May or
may not include TMR carry-over data, depending on TMR configuration. Does not include gas
Gross total Total production fluid, by volume, calculated from the beginning of the well test. May or may
not include TMR carry-over data, depending on TMR configuration. Does not include gas
Test started Date and time that the well test was started
Test time elapsed Hours and minutes that the well test has been running
Transient bubble time Hours and minutes that TBR has been active
Water cut overrange (Water cut monitor only) Hours and minutes that the water cut has been above the configured
External Water Cut Limit
Transient mist time Hours and minutes that TMR has been active
Table 5-3 Production data – Well Test mode
Process variable
Actual Avg Min
Min time /
date Max
Max time /
date Total
Net oil Y YYY YY Y
Water cut Y YYY YY
Gross flow Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Net water Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Drive gain Y Y Y Y
Density Y Y Y Y Y Y
Temperature Y Y Y Y Y Y
Back flow Y Y Y Y
Mass flow Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Gas volume Y YYY YY Y
TMR drive gain Y Y Y Y Y Y
Uncorrected flow
Uncorrected oil Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Uncorrected water Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Uncorrected water cut Y Y Y Y Y Y
Uncorrected gross Y Y Y Y Y Y Y