INSTALLATION (continued)
Figure 1-2. Figure 1-3. Figure 1-4
150 – 400 A (3 pole) 600 & 800 A (& 4 pole 400 A) 3000 & 4000 A
E–design switches F–design switches F–design transfer switches
1 – Manual Operation
A detachab l e manual oper ator handl e is prov ided on the
Transfer Switches for mai ntenan ce pur pos e s only.Manual
operation of both CN and CE transfer switches must be
checked before they are operated electrically.
Do not manually operate the transfer switch
until both power sources are disconnected:
open both circuit breakers.
1. Select the appropriate switchamperage size aboveand
follow the directions for installing the handle:
150 through 400 A E–design SeeFigure1-2.
Insert the manual handle into the hole inthe shaft, left
side of the operator.
600 and 800 A F–design SeeFigure1-3.
Atta ch the manual handle onto the pivot shaft
extension, left side of the operator.
1000 through 4000 A G–design SeeFigure1-5.
Install the hub (with pin
) onto the shaft and insert the
manualfirmlyintothesideholeinthehub. Pushinor
pull out hub to engage opposite source contacts.
3000 and 4000 A F–design SeeFigure1-4.
Insert the manual handle into the hole in the weight.
2. Movethehandleasshowntomanuallyoperatethe
Tr ansfer Switch. The switch should operate smoothly
without binding. If it does not, check for shipping
damage or construction debris. R epeat the manual
operation chec k on the other Tr ans fer Switc h.
3. Return the CN Tran sfer Sw itch to the C (cl osed)
position. R eturn the CE Transfer Switch to the O
(open) position. R em ove manual operator handle and
stor e it on the Tr an s fer Sw itch in the place provid ed .
Verify that the maintenan c e handle has been
removed and st ored properly before proceeding!
Now continue to 2–VoltageCheckson next page.
clockwise DOWN
OPENS the contacts
Pull out
shaft to close Emergency
source contacts (upper)
Push in
shaft to close Normal
source contacts (lower)
counterclockwise DOWN
OPENS the contacts
Pull out
shaft to open Emergency
source contacts (upper)
Push in
shaft to open Normal
source contacts (lower)
contact position
indicators (left side)
Turn counterclockwise
to OPEN contacts.
Turn clockwise to
CLOSE contacts.
Insert handle
into hole
(spring fully
Grasp handle
firmly with
both hands
Slide the hub onto the
shaft and insert the pin
Figure 1-5. 1000 – 4000 ampere G–design trans fer switches.