2 --- 2
This procedure will manually transfer the load if the
control pane l is disconnected.
Do not manually operate the transfer switch
until both power sources are disconnected
(all conductors deenergized).
1. Deenerg iz e both the normal and emerg enc y sourc e
conductors (remove fuses or open circuit breakers).
2. Use manual handle to manually operate transfer
switch to the opposite source. First open the
closed transfer switch, t hen close the other transfer
3. Thenremove
the mai ntenance handle. See pa ge 1–3.
Verify that the maintenance handle
has b een removed before proceeding!
4. If the transfer switch is in the Emergency position
manually start the engine generator and then
install emergency source fuse or close the circuit
Note any optional accessories that may be furnished
on the ADTS and review their operation. Refer to any
separate draw ings and/or instructions that may be
packed with the A DTS.
Hazardous voltage capable of causing shock,
burns, or death is used in this switch.
Do not touch the power or load terminals
of the transfer switch!
Table 2-1. Trouble-Shooting Checks.
Engine–generator set does
not start when the Transfer
Control switch is turned and
in Transfer Test position
or when normal source fails.
Hold Transfer Test switch 15
seconds or the outage must
be long enough to allow for
engine cranking and star ting.
Starting control must be in the
automatic position. Batteries
must be charged and
connec ted. Check wiring to
engine starting contacts.
Transfer switch does not
transfer the load to the
emergency source after the
engine–generator set starts.
W ait for Feature 2B time delay
to time out.
Generator output circuit
breaker must be closed.
Generator frequency must be
at least 95% of nominal (57 Hz
for a 60 Hz system.) *
Voltmeter should read at least
90% of nominal phase to
phase voltage between
terminals EA and EC (or EL1
and EL2 for 2 po le switches)*
Transfer switch does not
transfer the load to normal
source when normal returns
or when the Transfer Control
switch is released.
W ait for Feature 3A time delay
to time out.
Voltmeter should read at l east
90% of nominal phase to
phase voltage between
terminals NB and NC, NC and
NA , and NA and NB (or NL1
and NL2 for 2 po le switches).
Gen. does not stop after load
retransfer to normal source.
W ait for Feature 2E time delay
to time out.
Starting control must be in the
automatic position.
* These are factory settings. Refer to Controller User’s Guide.
If the prob l em is isolated to circu its on the contr ol l er or the transfer switc h, cal l your loc al AS CO Power Technol og ies
sales office or ASI at 1–800–800–2726. Furnish the Serial No. and Catalog No. from the transfer switch nameplate.