INSTALLATION (continued)
Tighten bolted joints to the torque specified in Table A.
The reliablility of the connection depends
on how clean and how tight the joint is.
Table A. Tightening t orque values for bolted joints
(Grade 5 hardware)
Bol t Diameter
in inches
Tightening Torque
in foot pounds
1/4 7
5/16 12
3/8 20
1/2 50
5/8 95
3/4 155
Controller Ground
A grounding wire must be connected to the controller’s
lower left mounting stud. Because the controller is
mounted on the enclosure door, a conductive strap must
be used between the enclosure and the door. This
connection provides proper grounding which does not
rely upon the door hinges.
The transfer switch is connected to the left side of the
control pa n el by a plug-in harness (two plugs).
Auxiliary Circuits
Connect auxiliary circuit wires to appropriate terminals
on the transfer switch. Note the control features that
are furnished on this switch. Make the necessary
auxiliary connections by referring to the Wiri n g
Engine Starting Contacts
The engine control contact connecti ons (if used) are
located on the transfer switch. Connect signal wires to
appropriate terminals as specified in Table B and shown
i n F i g u r e 1 --- 1 .
Ta ble B. Engine start connections
When normal
source fails
Terminal s on
transfer switch
contact closes TB1 and TB2
contact opens TB1 and TB3
engine start
block TB
Figure 1-1. Customer terminal block
on the top right side of enclosure.
Functional Test
The Functional Test consists of t hree checks:
V 1 — Manual Operation Test, page 1–3
V 2—VoltageChecks,page1–4
V 3 — Electrical Operation, page 1–5
Do these checks in the order presented
to avoid damaging the ATS.
Read all instructions on the Wiring Diagram and labels
affixed to the ADTS. Note the control features that are
provided and review their operation before proceeding.
Continue to 1–ManualOperationTest on next page.