System Management: OEM Boot Options
10009109-01 ATCA-9305 User’s Manual
The IPMC implements many standard IPMI commands. For example, software can use the
watchdog timer commands to monitor the system’s health. Normally, the software resets
the watchdog timer periodically to prevent it from expiring. The IPMI specification allows
for different actions such as reset, power off, and power cycle, to occur if the timer expires.
The watchdog’s ‘timer use’ fields can keep track of which software (Operating System, Sys-
tem Management, etc.) started the timer. Also, the time-out action and ‘timer use’ infor-
mation can be logged automatically to the System Event Log (SEL) when the time-out
occurs. Refer to the IPMI specification (listed in
Ta bl e 1- 2) for details about each command’s
request and response data. The IPMC also implements ATCA commands, see the ATCA Base
Specification (PICMG 3.0).
The Set System Boot Options and Get System Boot Options commands provide a means to
set/retrieve the boot options. The IPMI specification defines a set of standard boot option
parameters. In addition, the specification includes a range of numbers (96-127) for OEM
extensions. Emerson utilizes this area for OEM function extensions, such as boot bank selec-
tion and POST configuration. The following table describes these extensions:
Table 7-6: Emerson Boot Option Parameters
Get Power Level PICMG 2C, 2D 12
Bused Resource
(Release, Query, Force, Bus Free)
PICMG 2C, 2D 17
Parameter: # Parameter Data:
Boot Bank
96 data 1 — Set Selector. This is the processor ID for which the
boot option is to be set.
data 2 — Boot Bank Selector. This parameter is used to
indicate the boot bank from which the payload will boot.
00h = Primary (i.e., default) Boot Bank is selected.
01h = Secondary Boot Bank is selected.
02h-FFh = unused
97 data 1 — Set Selector. This is the processor ID for which the
boot option is to be set.
data 2 — PSOT Type Selector. This parameter is used to
specify the POST type that the payload boot firmware will
00h = Short POST
01h = Long POST
02h-FFh = unused
Command: (continued) netFn: LUN: Cmd: