10009109-01 ATCA-9305 User’s Manual
Section 1
The ATCA-9305 is an Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture (AdvancedTCA®, ATCA®)
blade based on dual Cavium OCTEON™ CN5860 processors and the Freescale™ Semicon-
ductor MPC8548 management processor. This blade is targeted at security and packet-pro-
cessing applications in the wireless and transport market segments. These markets include
data-plane packet-processor, security co-processor, video compression, and pattern match-
The ATCA-9305 complies with the SCOPE recommended profile for central office ATCA sys-
tems, PICMG® 3.0 ATCA mechanical specifications, E-keying, and Hot Swap.
The following is a brief summary of the ATCA-9305 hardware components and features:
Cavium Processor : The Cavium CN5860 processor is a highly programmable, high-performance 16-core archi-
tecture operating up to 800 MHz.
Management Processor:
The Freescale PowerQUICC™ III MPC8548 processor is a 32-bit enhanced e500 core operat-
ing at 1 GHz.
Ethernet Switch: The Broadcom® BCM56802 is a sixteen-port, 10 GbE switch which interconnects the pro-
cessors using SPI to XAUI™ bridges. The functionality includes both 10-Gbps XAUI and 1-
Gbps SGMII PHY interfaces.
Stratix™ GX Bridge: There are two packet routing Altera® SPI-4.2 high-speed interconnect to XAUI bridges per
CN5860 processor.
Ethernet: 10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports are accessible via the front panel RJ45 connectors and
through the base channel on the back panel. The 10 GbE ports route to the back panel
through the fabric and RTM connectors.
Serial Port: The front panel serial port (MGT CSL) connects to the MPC8548 management processor.
System Management: This product supports an Intelligent Platform Management Controller (IPMC) based on a
proprietary BMR-H8S-AMCc® reference design from Pigeon Point Systems. The IPMC has
an inter-integrated circuit (I2C) controller to support an Intelligent Management Platform
Bus (IPMB) that routes to the AdvancedTCA connector. The IPMB allows for features such as
remote shutdown, remote reset, payload voltage monitoring, temperature monitoring,
and access to Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) data.
PCI/PCIe: The PCI bus allows for read/write memory access between the MPC8548 processor, Ether-
net switch, and Cavium processors. The four lane PCI Express® (PCIe) routes between the
MPC8548 and the optional RTM.