System Management: Vendor Commands
ATCA-9305 User’s Manual 10009109-01
Update Discrete Sensor
The Update Discrete Sensor command is used to change the state of a discrete sensor con-
trolled by the payload.
Table 7-40: Update Discrete Sensor Command
Update Threshold Sensor
The Update Threshold Sensor command is used to change the state of a threshold sensor
controlled by the payload.
Table 7-41: Update Threshold Sensor Command
Type: Byte: Data Field:
Request Data 1:3 PPS IANA Private Enterprise ID, MS Byte first
0x00400A = 16394 (Pigeon Point Systems)
4 Sensor ID identifies the payload-controlled discrete sensor that has
to be updated
5Update flags
0 0=sensor initialization is complete
1=sensor is in the initial update state
1:2 reserved, set to 0
3 0=globally disable events from the sensor
1=leave the global event enable bit intact
4 0=globally enable events from the sensor
1=leave the global event enable bit intact
5 0=globally disable sensor scanning
1=leave the global scanning enable bit intact
6 0=globally enable sensor scanning
1=leave the global scanning enable bit intact
7 reserved, set to 0
6:7 New status LSB and new status MSB are the least and most
significant bytes of the new sensor state
Response Data 1 Completion Code
2:4 PPS IANA Private Enterprise ID, MS Byte first
0x00400A = 16394 (Pigeon Point Systems)
Type: Byte: Data Field:
Request Data 1:3 PPS IANA Private Enterprise ID, MS Byte first
0x00400A = 16394 (Pigeon Point Systems)
4 Sensor ID parameter identifies the payload-controlled threshold
sensor that has to be updated