Series 185(continued)
381333–319 E
3 --- Generator Starting Contacts
The generator starting contacts connections are on the
controller. Refer to the generat or manual. Disconnect
the generator battery and verify that the ignition switch is
in the OFF position. Connect the generator starting
wires to the appropriate terminals on terminal block TB7
as shown on the wiring diagram. For wiring convenience
terminalblockTB7hasaremovableplug. SeeFigure4
and Table A.
terminal block
TB7–4, TB7–5, TB7–6
Figure 4. TB7 generator starting contact terminals.
Table A. Generator Start Connections
When the Utility fails Terminals on Controller
contact closes TB7–4 and TB7–5
contact opens TB7–5 and TB7–6
4 --- S e t t i n g s
controller are accessible on the inside. Refer to Tables B
and C and to Figures 6 and 7. Use a ball–point pen or
other poi nted tool to slide the DIP switch actuators up or
down to match setting shown.
All power must be off before making any changes.
The factory default settings are shown in Table G on
page 5.
cover must be removed
to replace 9V battery
(use alkaline type)
Figure 5. Battery replacement.
5 --- Automatic Generator Exerciser
The built–in automatic generator exerci ser can be set to
exercise the generator for 20 minutes once every week.
Clock Battery
Be sure a fresh battery is installed and turned on. It will
maintain the exerciser clock for about 24 hours in case of
a power outage.
5): Duracell MN 1404, Everready 522, Panasonic 6AM6
Turn on battery by putting S2 DIP switch actuator 10 in
the on position (up). See Table B and Figure 6.
Exercise with or without Load
The generator should be exercised under load or follow
the recommendations of the generator manufacturer. Be
sure the exerciser is turned on. Then select either
exercise with or without load. The ATS will transfer the
load to the generator when the exercise with load is
selected. See Figure 6 and Table B.
Table B. G enerator Exercise Settings
off S2 10
on (up)
off (down)
exerciser off S1 7
on (up)
off (down)
with load or
without load
S1 8
with (up)
without (down)
To Se t E xe rc is er
Press and hold (5 seconds) the Set Engine Exerciser
button. The exercise period occurs immediately
and at
approxi mately
the same time weekly thereafter. The
status light below the button blinks during the exercise
period (i ncluding the cooldown). The light stays on to
indicate that the exerciser has been set. If the light is off,
the exerciser has not been set.
To Cancel an Active Exercise Period
Press the Bypass Time Delay button to stop an exercising
generator. If exercise with load is set, the ATS
retransfers the load to the utility, then stops the
generator after cooldown.