Series 185
381333–319 E
Problem Cause and Solution
The ATS does not i mmediately
transfer the load to the
1. Verify that the Gen erator Acceptable light is on. If it is off, see previous trouble-
shooting problem. The ATS will not transfer the load t o an unacceptable source.
2. Wai t approximately 10 seconds for the transfer to generator time delay. This
fixed delay allows the generator output to stabilize before a load is applied to it.
3. Press the Bypass Time Delay button for immediate load transfer to the generator.
The ATS transfers the load to
the generator, but the genera-
tor bogs down (struggles or
slows down). The ATS retran-
sfers back to the utility.
1. The generator may be overloaded. Check t o see if the generator circuit breaker
tripped. Check the sum of the loads to be sure it does not exceed the capacity of
the generator. Some motor loads require three times more power for starting.
2. Check for short circuit in a connected load.
3. Observe the Load on Utility and Load on Generator lights.
The generator stops after a
running for awhile. The ATS
retransfers back to the utility
(if acceptable).
1. Verify proper generator operation; it may have run out of fuel or shut down
because of low oil level (see generator manual).
2. The generator may be overloaded. Check t o see if the generator circuit breaker
tripped. Check the sum of the loads to be sure it does not exceed the capacity of
the generator. Some motor loads require three times more power for starting.
3. Check for short circuit in a connected load.
4. Observe the Load on Utility and Load on Generator lights.
The ATS does not retransfer
the load back to the utility.
1. Verify that the Utility Acceptable light is on. The ATS will not transfer the load t o
an unacceptable source.
2. Wait approximately 5 minutes for the retransfer to utility time delay. The utility
must be acceptable for 5 minutes continuously.
3. Press the Bypass Time Delay button for immediate load retransfer to the utility.
The ATS retransfers the load
back to the utility but the
generator keeps running.
1. Wait approximately 2 minute s for the unloaded runni ng (engine cooldown) time
2. The engine cooldown fixed time delay is important to prevent generator damage.
The generator exerciser does
not seem to work.
1. Verify that the Automatic Generator Exerciser status light is blinking.
--- Light blinks during the exercise period.
(when the generator is running and during cooldown).
--- Light stays on when then exerciser has been set.
--- When light is off, no exercise period is set.
2. With ALL POWER OFF, verify t hat the exerciser is turned on. Check DIP switch
S1 actuator 7, and S2 actuator 10. See Table B for generator exerciser settings.
3. With ALL POWER OFF,checkthe9voltbattery. Replace,ifnecessary,witha
quality alkaline battery: Duracell MN1404, Everready 522, Panasonic 6AM6, or
equivalent. See Figure 5.
The generator exerciser does
not transfer the load to the
1. With ALL POWER OFF, verify that exercise with load is turned on. Check DIP
switch S1 actuator 8. See Table B for generator exerciser settings.