381333–319 E
50 Hanover Road, Florham Park, New Jersey 07932–1591 USA
For sales or service call 1 800 800–2726 (ASCO) www.ascopower.com
ASCO POWER TECHNOLOGIES CANADA PO Box 1238, 17 Airport Road, Brantford, Ontario, Canada N3T 5T3
Seri es 185
Automatic Transfer Switches
100 t hrou gh 400 am pe re size s
DANGER is used in this manual to warn of a
hazard situation which, if n ot avoided, will result in
death or serious injury.
WARNING is used in this manual to warn of a
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION is used in this manual to warn of a
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could
result in minor or moderate injury.
An experien ced licensed electric ian mu st install th e ATS.
100–230 ampere sizes
Refer to the outline and wiring drawings provided with
your ASCO Series 185 ATS for all installation details.
A SCO Series 185 A utomatic Transfer Switches (ATSs) are
Listed under Underwriter’s Laboratories Standard for
Tr ansfer Switch Equipment, UL–1008. They are intended
for use only in optional standby system s in acco rdan c e with
the National Electrical Code, NEC/NFPA 70, A rticle 702.
This AT S is for use with 2–wir e automatic – star t ge ne r ator s
Refer to Application Information 381339–292 to confirm
that you have selec ted the appropriate produc t for the
intend ed instal l atio n .
This automatic transfer switch i s intended for standby
power applications in residential / light commercial use
This product is not intended for emergency
or life–support systems.
If you have mor e strin g e nt applic ation requirements contact
A SCO Pow er Techno lo g ies for other produc ts suitable for
cr itic al appl ication s.
Rating Label
Eac h autom atic transfer switc h contains a rating lab el to
define the loads and fault circuit w ithstand / closing ratings.
Refer to the label on the transfer switch for specific values.
Do not e xceed the values on the rating label.
Exceeding the rating can cause person injury or
serious equipment damage.
INSTALLATION 1..........................
CONTROLLER 2–5........................
FUNCTIONAL TEST 6......................
TROUBLESHOOTING 8–9..................
INDEX 10.................................