Check throttle body synchronisation and idle speed setting (1)
Check the brake and clutch fluid levels
Change the clutch and brake fluid
Check and adjust the brake and clutch control cables
Check/lubricate the throttle/cold start cable
Check tyre pressure and wear
Check the brake pads. Renew if necessary
Check the steering head bearings
Check the drive chain tension, alignment and lubrication
Check the clutch disc pack. Renew if necessary (1)
Check coolant level
Change the coolant
Check operation of electric fans and sealing of coolant circuit
Check the rear wheel cush drive
Check the wheel hub bearings
Check the indicators and lighting
Check tightness of nuts and bolts securing the engine to the frame
Check the sidestand
Check tightness of the front wheel axle nut
List of operations and frequency
(distance or time interval *)
km x1000 1 12 24 36 48 60
miles x1000 0,6 7,5 15 22,5 30 37,5
Months 6 12 24 36 48 60