3. Instruction Set
9. The 16-bit comparison values used in the 16-bit instruction are signed values. The comparison
values used in the 32-bit instruction are 32-bit signed values (M1162=OFF), or floating-point
numbers (M1162=ON).
10. The 16-bit data or 32-bit data is written into D. If the data length is less than 16 bits or 32 bits,
the bit which does not have a corresponding value is 0. For example, if n is K8, bit0~7 have
corresponding values, and bit15~31 are 0.
11. If the comparison result meets the comparison condition, the corresponding bit is 1. If the
comparison result does not meet the comparison condition, the corresponding bit is 0.
Program example:
When M0 = ON, compare the 16-bit value in D0~D7 with D20~D27 and store the results in D100.
y Content in D0~D7:
No. D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7
Value K10 K20 K30 K40 K50 K60 K70 K80
y Content in D20~D27:
No. D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 D26 D27
Value K12 K20 K33 K44 K50 K66 K70 K88
y After the comparison of CMPT instruction, the associated bit will be 1 if two devices have
the same value, and other bits will all be 0. Therefore the results in D100 will be as below:
Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4 Bit5 Bit6 Bit7 Bit8~15
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0…0
H0052 (K82)