3.2 Explanations to Basic Instructions…………………………………………………………... 3-3
3.3 Pointers………………………………………………………………………………………… 3-12
3.4 Interrupt Pointers……………………………………………………………………………… 3-12
3.5 Application Programming Instructions……………………………………………………… 3-14
3.6 Numerical List of Instructions (classified according to the function)…………………….. 3-24
3.7 Numerical List of Instructions (in alphabetic order)……………………………………….. 3-33
3.8 Detailed Instruction Explanation…………………………………………………………….. 3-42
4 Communications
4.1 Communication Ports…………………………………………………………………………. 4-2
4.2 Communication Protocol ASCII mode……………………………………………………….. 4-3
4.2.1 ADR (Communication Address) …………………………………………………… 4-3
4.2.2 CMD (Command code) and DATA………………………………………………… 4-3
4.2.3 LRC CHK (checksum) ……………………………………………………………… 4-5
4.3 Communication Protocol RTU mode………………………………………………………… 4-7
4.3.1 Address (Communication Address) ………………………………………………. 4-7
4.3.2 CMD (Command code) and DATA………………………………………………… 4-8
4.3.3 CRC CHK (check sum) …………………………………………………………….. 4-9
4.4 PLC Device Address…………………………………………………………………………... 4-11
4.5 Command Code……………………………………………………………………………….. 4-13
4.5.1 Command Code: 01, Read Status of Contact (Input point X is not included)… 4-13
4.5.2 Command Code: 02, Read Status of Contact (Input point X is included)……... 4-14
4.5.3 Command Code: 03, Read Content of Register (T, C, D)………………………. 4-15
4.5.4 Command Code: 05, Force ON/OFF single contact…………………………….. 4-16
4.5.5 Command Code: 06, Set content of single register……………………………… 4-17
4.5.6 Command Code: 15, Force ON/OFF multiple contacts…………………………. 4-18
4.5.7 Command Code: 16, Set content of multiple registers………………………….. 4-18
5 Sequential Function Chart
5.1 Step Ladder Instruction [STL], [RET] ………………………………………………………. 5-2
5.2 Sequential Function Chart (SFC) …………………………………………………………… 5-2
5.3 The Operation of STL Program……………………………………………………………… 5-4
5.4 Points to Note for Designing a Step Ladder Program…………………………………….. 5-9
5.5 Types of Sequences………………………………………………………………………….. 5-11
5.6 IST Instruction…………………………………………………………………………………. 5-22
6 Troubleshooting
6.1 Common Problems and Solutions…………………………………………………………... 6-2
6.2 Error code Table (Hex) …………………………………………………………................... 6-4
6.3 Error Detection Devices………………………………………………………….................. 6-6
7 CANopen Function and Operation
7.1 The Introduction of CANopen…………………………………………………………........... 7-2
7.1.1 The Description of the CANopen Functions……………………………………… 7-2
7.1.2 The Input/Output Mapping Areas………………………………………………….. 7-3
7.2 The Installation and the Network Topology…………………………………………………. 7-3
7.2.1 The Dimensions…………………………………………………………................. 7-3
7.2.2 The Profile………………………………………………………….......................... 7-4
7.2.3 The CAN Interface and the Network Topology…………………………………… 7-4
7.3 The CANopen Protocol………………………………………………………….................... 7-8
7.3.1 The Introduction of the CANopen Protocol……………………………………….. 7-8
7.3.2 The CANopen Communication Object……………………………………………. 7-9
7.3.3 The Predefined Connection Set…………………………………………………… 7-14