
FTOS XML Feature | 1163
Invalid CLI commands or keywords
Invalid range of data specified in the CLI command
XML_SCHEMA_ERROR—This error is caused by:
Invalid XML method or operation tags
Invalid object hierarchy or value out of range
APPLICATION_ERROR—This error is caused by a failure to process the request, or a problem on the
FTOS task.
NO_ERROR—The XML request processed successfully.
The following strings can appear after the <responseSeverity> tag:
SEVERITY_INFO—This string indicates no error, and is paired with NO_ERROR after the
<responseType> tag.
SEVERITY_ERROR—This string is paired with one of the other four possible <responseType>
strings besides NO_ERROR.
The following strings can appear after the <responseMsg> tag:
“Xml request successfully processed” (paired with NO_ERROR)
“% Error: Parsing error is detected in the XML request” (paired with XML_PARSE_ERROR)
“% Error: Schema error is detected in the XML request” (paired with XML_SCHEMA_ERROR)
“% Error: CLI Parsing error is detected in the XML request” (paired with CLI_PARSE_ERROR)
“% Error: [content varies, depending on the error]” (paired with APPLICATION_ERROR, indicating
an application error from a backend task)
Examples of Error Conditions
XML parsing error
The following XML request is missing the XML declaration (the first line in the schema):
<request MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0">
<command>ip access standard test2</command>
The XML response to that malformed request is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="0">
<responseMsg>% Error: Parsing error detected in the XML request.</responseMsg>