
802.1X | 107
802.1X is supported on platforms: c e s
This chapter has the following sections:
Protocol Overview on page 107
Configuring 802.1X on page 111
Important Points to Remember on page 112
Enabling 802.1X on page 112
Configuring Request Identity Re-transmissions on page 114
Forcibly Authorizing or Unauthorizing a Port on page 115
Re-Authenticating a Port on page 116
Configuring Timeouts on page 117
Dynamic VLAN Assignment with Port Authentication on page 119
Guest and Authentication-Fail VLANs on page 121
Multi-Host Authentication on page 123
Multi-Supplicant Authentication on page 125
MAC Authentication Bypass on page 127
Dynamic CoS with 802.1X on page 130
Protocol Overview
802.1X is a method of port security. A device connected to a port that is enabled with 802.1X is disallowed
from sending or receiving traffic on the network until its identity can be verified (through a username and
password, for example); all ingress frames, except those used for 802.1X authentication, are dropped. This
feature is named for its IEEE specification.