management host in an IPv6 network and running the Layer 3 software image.
This system parameter... Defines the maximum number of...
PowerConnect#show default values
sys log buffers:50 mac age time:300 sec telnet sessions:5
ip arp age:10 min bootp relay max hops:4 ip ttl:64 hops
ip addr per intf:24
when multicast enabled :
igmp group memb.:260 sec igmp query:125 sec hardware drop: enabled
when ospf enabled :
ospf dead:40 sec ospf hello:10 sec ospf retrans:5 sec
ospf transit delay:1 sec
when bgp enabled :
bgp local pref.:100 bgp keep alive:60 sec bgp hold:180 sec
bgp metric:10 bgp local as:1 bgp cluster id:0
bgp ext. distance:20 bgp int. distance:200 bgp local distance:200
System Parameters Default Maximum Current
ip-arp 4000 64000 64000
ip-static-arp 512 6000 6000
multicast-route 64 8192 8192
pim-mcache 1024 4096 4096
igmp-max-group-addr 4096 8192 8192
ip-cache 10000 32768 32768
ip-filter-port 4093 4093 4093
ip-filter-sys 2048 4096 4096
l3-vlan 32 1024 1024
ip-qos-session 1024 16000 16000
mac 32768 32768 32768
ip-route 12000 16100 16100
ip-static-route 64 2048 2048
vlan 64 4095 4095
spanning-tree 32 255 255
mac-filter-port 16 256 256
mac-filter-sys 32 512 512
ip-subnet-port 24 128 128
session-limit 8192 16384 16384
view 10 65535 65535
virtual-interface 255 512 512
rmon-entries 1024 32768 32768
mld-max-group-addr 8192 32768 32768
igmp-snoop-mcache 512 8192 8192
mld-snoop-mcache 512 8192 8192
hw-ip-route-tcam 16384 16384 16384