Connect Parameter: Options 39
Drives=drive letter={floppy, cdrom,
disk} [, basedir] drive letter=...
Maps drives on the server to USB mass storage
devices attached to the thin client, where:
drive letter=A to Z
floppy=USB floppy
disk= USB drive or memory stick
ro=read only
basedir=an optional directory on the USB device to
NOTE: Be sure each drive command is separated by a
Encryption=none If none, no encryption is used.
NOTE: Use this option when connecting to a server
with data encryption between the communication of
the server and the client.
FullScreen={no, yes} Runs the session at full screen (not in a window).
* Host=host[;host...] Specifies a host or lists of host values. The thin client
attempts to connect to the next server on the list if
the current one fails. List items must be separated by
semicolons or commas.
NOTE: This option is mandatory.
Icon=image file Specifies an icon to appear on the thin client desktop
for this connection. The file must be located in the
server wlx/bitmap directory. If not specified, the
default icon is displayed (except in the case of a
published application). A PNG, JPEG, or GIF may be
used. XPM is permitted for backward compatibility.
LocalCopy={no, yes} Yes/no option to use the local copy of the ini file.
LowBand={no, yes} Yes/no option to enable optimization for low-speed
connections, such as reducing audio quality and/or
decreasing protocol-specific cache size.
LPTports=LPTx={LPTy, USBLPz},
Maps parallel devices on the server to parallel devices
on the thin client, where x=1 to 4; if LPTy, map to that
parallel port on the thin client; if USBLPz, map to that
USB parallel port.
NOTE: Be sure each serial device command is
separated by a comma and space.
NOTE: Windows 2000 servers do not support LPT
port mapping.
NLA={no, yes} Default is no. Yes/no option to enable Network Level
Authentication for RDP sessions.
NoGrabKeyboard={no, yes} Default is no. Yes/no option to enable the keyboard
event grabbing in any direct RDP connection session
(not supported through VMware View broker). For
example: NoGrabKeyboard=yes
Table 12 RDP Connect Options, Continued
Option Description