Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC INI Files Only 15
Connection Settings (wlx.ini and $MAC.ini Files Only)
Table 4 contains parameters used for configuring connection settings.
Table 4 Connection Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only
Parameter Description
AddtoEtcHosts="ip1 FQDN1
aliases1;ip2 FQDN2 aliases2;..."
Adds entries to the /hosts file where aliases are an
optional space-separated list of host names.
AutoLogin={no, yes}
Yes/no option to automatically log the user in as
DefaultUser if no login occurs before the CountDown
interval. This is for use at kiosks and other
environments where the user logs in without human
intervention. Autologin can be canceled by pressing
the ESC button. The first time a device reads
Autologin, it may stay at the login screen for a few
seconds before taking effect. Once doing so, it will
automatically log in and all future reboots will
autologin with the defined delay. Changing from
AutoLogin=yes to AutoLogin=no may require 2
reboots to take effect in some cases. No password is
required for automatic login even if the user normally
needs a password.
The wlx.ini will be fetched and processed every time
the network comes up; so if the network goes down
and is restored during a session, it may affect existing
settings (although the login-related settings will not
be apparent until the current user logs out).
Also note that neither mechanism actually
authenticates the user—they just verify that the user
exists. But both methods, and normal manual login,
will fetch and process a $USER.ini file, if one exists,
independent of what, if any, authentication
mechanism was used.
AutoSignoff={no, yes} Yes/no option to automatically log the user off when
all connections are closed.
DisableDomain={no, yes} Yes/no option to disable the display of the Domain
field on the login dialog box. The default value
depends on the value of the DomainList option. When
the DomainList is empty, DisableDomain defaults to
yes (the display of a Domain field does not display);
otherwise, it defaults to no (the display of a Domain
field does display).
DisableVNC={no, yes} Yes/no option to disable the VNC server.
DomainList=list of Windows domain
A list of domain names that will appear in the login
dialog box as options to help users in selecting the
domain to log in to PNAgent/PNLite servers. Once
specified, it is saved in non-volatile memory.
NOTE: Be sure to enclose in quotation marks if spaces
are included. For example:
DomainList=”North_America; SQA; test-domain”
EnableBanner={no, yes}
[BannerMsg=text description]
Provides a banner description.
The text must be enclosed in double quotation marks
if it contains spaces or punctuation characters.
EnableLocal={yes, no} Yes/no option to enable locally configured
connection entries to show in the connection list
(that is, activate local entries).