Parameters for WLX INI and $MAC INI Files Only 13
TimeServer=host[;host] Specifies the SNTP time servers to use for time
retrieval. You can designate one or two Network Time
Protocol servers (separated by a semicolon). The
client synchronizes the time of day to the servers at
boot time, and keeps the time in sync with the servers
during operation.
TimeZone={zone value}
[ManualOverride={no, yes}]
TimeZone — Specifies the time zone if the zone is
unspecified on the thin client or is used with
ManualOverride — Yes/no option to override the thin
client System Preference Menu setting with this
TimeZone setting. TimeZone settings in the wlx.ini file
will be saved into NVRAM if EnableLocal=yes is set in
the wlx.ini file.
NOTE: For the complete list of TimeZone values, see
"TimeZone Parameter: Values."
Table 2 General Settings: wlx.ini files and $MAC.ini files only, Continued
Parameter Description