
Installation & User Guide
AX200 Installation & User Guide – July 2007
In the Tcpip settings window, under the Device
settings tab; click on “?” in front of the Server IP
field (on the bottom) to obtain the server PC IP
The device IP address is made up of 4 numbers
separated by “,” and is located in the top half of
the screen. The first three numbers of the device
IP address must match the first three numbers
of the Server IP address. However the fourth
number could be anything between 1 and 254.
After entering the device IP, click on the
question mark to make sure the IP you’ve
entered is free. If the message says the IP
address is in use, change the last number of the
IP address and try again. Choosing a duplicate
IP address could cause conflicts in the network.
When you’re finished click download.
The numbers of Online, Offline & Not Configured units are displayed on the bottom of the
window. You can use the Device Searching button to refresh the screen.
The menu on the right shows the list of all the configured access points.
Double clicking on any of them will open the Tcpip settings window of
the unit which the access point is connected to.
Double clicking on any of the units in the device manager screen will open the Tcpip Settings