Installation & User Guide
AX200 Installation & User Guide – July 2007
Backup & Restore
The AX software has a built-in backup utility. Backups can be done automatically at preset times
and days, or manually with network backup support. Backups from older software versions are
automatically converted avoiding the need for multiple steps to restore the software.
A backup can be restored in one single step. Automatic backups are numbered using the date
and time the backup took place. If you wish to delete older backups, highlight the appropriate file
by clicking on it and press delete, confirmation of this action is requested. It is useful to create a
complete system backup as soon as all the system settings have been entered. Create a backup
as normal, go to restore, highlight the newly created file and right click with the mouse and select
rename – rename the file e.g. Master settings. This backup will allow you to restore the system
back to its original programmed settings, if required. To restore an existing database go to the
File menu • Database Restore.
When exiting the software, if any data has changed, the application will automatically perform the
database backup. There is no need to close the program or cardholder screen for the automatic
backup to execute. Partial backups can also be selected for database or history files only.