Installation & User Guide
AX200 Installation & User Guide – July 2007
DTU Operation
1. Start the AX200 software on the PC.
2. Connect the DTU to the serial port on the PC.
3. The auto detect hardware device wizard will start within 10 seconds.
4. Follow the on-screen prompts to add the DTU into the software.
5. Remove the DTU from the PC and plug into a controller.
6. Wait 10 seconds
7. Remove the DTU from the controller and plug it back into the PC.
8. The auto detect hardware device wizard will start within 10 seconds.
9. Follow the on-screen prompts to add the controller.
10. Click on the cardholder button and add new cards as required.
11. Upon exiting the cardholder screen, the new cards will automatically be downloaded to
the DTU.
12. Click OK and wait for the on-screen message for the download to be completed.
13. Remove the DTU from the PC and plug it into the controller.
14. When the cards have been transferred from the DTU to the controller, the LED on the
DTU will turn green.
15. Remove the DTU from the controller and plug it into the PC.
16. The software will report that the download has been completed successfully.
DTU LED Indicators
Blue DTU Power OK
Blue/Red Flashing No Communication
Flashing Wait
Constant Error
Orange Data download in progress
Data downloaded to this controller –
data to be downloaded to others
Constant Data downloaded and complete