Black Box Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
down trap for SNMP.
Use the no snmp-server trap-type enab
link down trap for SNMP.
3. Command Syntax:
(no) snmp-server trap-type enable linkDow
4. Example:
The following example enables link down trap f
switch_a(config)#snmp-server trap-type
le linkDown command to disable
or SNMP:
enable linkDown
Link Up Trap:
1. Command Mode: Configure mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Term
The switch_a(config)# prompt will show
inal Mode).
on the screen.
2. Usage:
Use snmp-server trap-type enable linkUp command to enable link up trap
for SNMP.
Use the no snmp-server trap-type enable linkUp command to disable link
up trap for SNMP.
3. Command Syntax:
(no) snmp-server trap-type enable linkUp
4. Example:
The following example enables link up trap for SNMP:
switch_a(config)#snmp-server trap-type enable linkUp
Authentication Failure Trap:
1. Command Mode: Configure mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode).
The switch_a(config)# prompt will show on the screen.
2. Usage:
Use snmp-server trap-type enable authenticationFailure command to
enable authentication failure trap for SNMP.
Use the no snmp-server trap-type enable authenticationFailure
command to disable authentication failure trap for SNMP.
3. Command Syntax:
User’s Manual 131