Black Box Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
108 User’s Manual
Port Mirroring
1. Command Mode: Interface mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode).
Then logon to Interface mode.
fe1 means port 1.
The switch_a(config-if)# prompt will show on the screen.
switch_a(config)#interface fe1
2. Usage:
Use this command to define a mirror source port and its direction.
Use the no parameter with this command to disable port mirroring by the
destination port on the specified source port.
3. Command Syntax:
mirror interface SOURCEPORT direction SNOOPDIRECTION
no mirror interface SOURCEPORT
SOURCEPORT Name of the Source interface to be used.
SNOOPDIRECTION [both|receive|transmit]
both Specifies mirroring of traffic in both directions.
receive Specifies mirroring of received traffic.
transmit Specifies mirroring of transmitted traffic.
4. Example:
The following example enables port mirroring by the destination port fe1 (port
1) on the specified source port fe2 (port 2):
switch_a(config)#interface fe1
switch_a(config-if)#mirror interface fe2 direction both