Black Box Hardened Managed Ethernet Switch
1. Command Mode: Configure mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode).
The switch_a(config)# prompt w
ill show on the screen.
2. Usage:
Use snmp-server location command to specify and no snmp-server
location command to remove loc
3. Command Syntax:
snmp-server location LOCATION
no snmp-server location
LOCATION The location for SNMP.
4. Example:
The following example specifies location (
switch_a(config)#snmp-server location l
ation for SNMP.
loca ion) for SNMP: t
1. Command Mode: Configure mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode).
The switch_a(config)# prompt will show on the screen.
2. Usage:
Use snmp-server contact command to specify and no snmp-server
contact command to remove contact for SNMP.
3. Command Syntax:
snmp-server contact CONTACT
no snmp-server contact
CONTACT The contact for SNMP.
4. Example:
The following example specifies contact (contact) for SNMP:
switch_a(config)#snmp-server contact contact
Trap Community Name:
1. Command Mode: Configure mode
Logon to Configure Mode (Configure Terminal Mode).
The switch_a(config)# prompt will show on the screen.
128 User’s Manual