Version 6.2 109 December 2010
SIP Release Notes 1. What's New in Release 6.2
Parameter Description
Voice Mail Interface
Modification: Option [8] ETS added (Mediant 600, Mediant 800
MSBG, Mediant 1000 MSBG, Mediant 1000).
Enables the device's Voice Mail application and determines the
communication method used between the PBX and the device.
[0] None (default)
[1] DTMF
[2] SMDI (N/A)
[3] QSIG
[4] SETUP Only = For ISDN
[6] QSIG SIEMENS = QSIG MWI activate and deactivate
messages include Siemens Manufacturer Specific Information
[7] IP2IP = The device's IP2IP application is used for interworking
between an IP Voice Mail server and the device. This is
implemented for sending unsolicited SIP NOTIFY messages
received from the Voice Mail server to an IP Group (configured
using the parameter NotificationIPGroupID).
[8] ETSI = Euro ISDN, according to ETS 300 745-1 V1.2.4, section Enables MWI interworking from IP to Tel, typically used for
BRI phones.
MLPP Default Namespace
Modification: Option [5] UC added (all except MP-1xx).
Determines the Namespace used for MLPP calls received from the
ISDN side and destined for the Application server. The Namespace
value is not present in the Precedence IE of the PRI Setup message.
Therefore, the value is used in the Resource-Priority header of the
outgoing SIP INVITE request.
[1] DSN = DSN (default)
[2] DOD = DOD
[5] UC = UC
Use Tgrp Information
Modification: Option [4] Hotline Extended added (all except MP-1xx).
Determines whether the SIP 'tgrp' parameter is used. This SIP
parameter specifies the Trunk Group to which the call belongs
(according to RFC 4904). For example, the SIP message below
indicates that the call belongs to Trunk Group ID 1:
INVITE sip::+16305550100;tgrp=1;trunk-
context=example.com@;user=phone SIP/2.0
[0] Disable (default) = The 'tgrp' parameter isn't used.
[1] Send Only = The Trunk Group number is added to the 'tgrp'
parameter value in the Contact header of outgoing SIP messages.
If a Trunk Group number is not associated with the call, the 'tgrp'
parameter isn't included. If a 'tgrp' value is specified in incoming
messages, it is ignored.
[2] Send and Receive = The functionality of outgoing SIP
messages is identical to the functionality described in option 1. In
addition, for incoming SIP INVITEs, if the Request-URI includes a
'tgrp' parameter, the device routes the call according to that value
(if possible). The Contact header in the outgoing SIP INVITE (Tel-
to-IP call) contains “tgrp=<source trunk group ID>;trunk-