:TDR{2 | 4}:RATE[?] {AUTO | <rate>}
Sets the period of the TDR pulse generator. You should usually leave this set
to AUTO unless you need to define a specific rate. In AUTO, the instrument
will attempt to keep subsequent periods off screen when the timebase is
Period to which you want to set the generator, in Hertz. You can add a suffix
to indicate that the rate is in Hertz (HZ, KHZ, MHZ, and so on).
:TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 2 | 3 | 4}[?] {OFF |
DIFFerential | COMMonmode | NORMalize}
Turns on or off the response of a TDR or TDT stimulus.
:TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 2 | 3 | 4}:HORizontal[?]
{TSOurce, MANual}
Specifies whether the TDR/TDT response should track the source channel’s
horizontal scale (TSOurce), or use a user-defined scale specified with the
HORizontal:POSItion and HORizontal:RANGe commands (MANual). TSOurce
is the usual setting.
:TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 2 | 3 | 4):
HORizontal:POSition[?] <position>
Specifies the horizontal position of the TDR/TDT response when horizontal
tracking is set to manual. The position is always referenced to center screen.
Offset from the center of the screen, in seconds.
:TDR{2 | 4}:RESPonse{1 | 2 | 3 | 4}:
HORizontal:RANGe[?] <range>
Specifies the range of the TDR/TDT response when the horizontal tracking is
set to manual.
Horizontal range in seconds.
TDR Commands