Marker Commands
:MARKer:MODE[?] {OFF | MANual | WAVeform |
MEASurement | HISTogram | TDRTDT}
Sets the marker mode.
:MARKer:PROPagation[?] {DIELectric | METer | FEET}
Sets the propagation velocity for TDR and TDT measurements. The
propagation may be specified as a dielectric constant or in meters per second
or feet per second. The value is used to determine the distance from the
reference plane in TDR and TDT marker measurements.
Dielectric constant or propagation value.
:MARKer:REFerence[?] {TRIGger | REFerence}
Specifies the marker reference for TDR and TDT style markers. If the
reference is TRIGger, then all horizontal axis marker measurements are made
with respect to the trigger point. If the reference is REFerence, then all
horizontal axis marker measurements are made with respect to the reference
plane. You must perform a normalization and reference plane calibration
before using a reference plane reference. This feature is available only for
TDR and TDT applications.