:MARKer:X1Y1source[?] {CHANnel<number> |
FUNCtion<number> | RESPonse<number> |
WMEMory<number> | HISTogram | FFT}
Sets the source for the X1 and Y1 markers.
For channels: an integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel
resides, followed by an optional A or B indicating which of two possible
channels in the slot is being referenced. For functions: 1 or 2. For waveform
memories (WMEMory): 1, 2, 3, or 4. For TDR response: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
:MARKer:X2Y2source[?] {CHANnel<number> |
FUNCtion<number> | RESPonse<number> |
WMEMory<number> | HISTogram | FFT}
Sets the source for the X2 and Y2 markers.
For channels: an integer, 1 through 4, indicating the slot in which the channel
resides, followed by an optional A or B indicating which of two possible
channels in the slot is being referenced. For functions: 1 or 2. For waveform
memories (WMEMory): 1, 2, 3, or 4. For TDR response: 1, 2, 3, or 4.
:MARKer:XUNITs[?] {SECond | METer | FEET}
Sets the units for horizontal display in TDR and TDT applications. The units
may be in seconds, meters, or feet relative to the trigger or reference plane.
The marker mode must be TDRTDT to use this feature. See the
:MARKer:REFerence command for information on setting the reference point.
:MARKer:YUNITs[?] {VOLT | OHM | REFlect}
Sets the units for vertical display in TDR and TDT applications. The units
may be in volts, ohms, or % relection. The marker mode must be TDRTDT to
use this features.
Marker Commands