Calibrating and Adjusting
This chapter provides firmware (self calibration) and hardware adjustment procedures
for the Agilent Technologies 54835A/45A/46A oscilloscope.
• Power Supply Check
• Oscillator Check
• Flat-Panel Display Check
• self calibration
Equipment Required
Equipment required for adjustments is listed in the Recommended Test Equipment
table in chapter 1 of this manual. Any equipment that satisfies the critical specification
listed in the table may be substituted for the recommended model. Equipment for
individual procedures is listed at the procedure.
Self Calibration Interval and Hardware Adjustments
The firmware calibration is the self cal (self calibration). Self calibration should be done
every year, or every 2,000 hours of operation, whichever comes first. The hardware
adjustment consists of checking the power supply, 715 Hz calibration output (probe
compensation squarewave), and flat-panel display. These adjustments only need to be
done under circumstances set by certain needs, which are explained in other areas of
this guide.
The self calibration uses signals generated in the oscilloscope to calibrate channel
sensitivity, offsets, and trigger parameters. You should run the self calibration
• yearly, or according to your periodic needs,
• when you adjust or replace the acquisition assembly or acquisition hybrids,
• when you replace the hard drive or any other assembly,
• when the delta temperature is more than
±5 °C different than the last calibration, or
• after performing incoming performance verification and before performing outgoing
performance verification.
The need for self calibration will also depend on your experience and on the environment
in which you use the oscilloscope.
Mainframe Cal Factor Memory Error
If power is applied to the oscilloscope and the message “Mainframe cal factor memory
error: Please perform calibration” is displayed, you must calibrate the oscilloscope. See
“To run the self calibration” in this chapter.
If the oscilloscope does not pass the self calibration, repair is necessary.