The Agilent Technologies Infiniium Oscilloscope Model 54835A/45A/46A at a
Ease of use with high performance
The Agilent Technologies Infiniium oscilloscopes
combine unprecedented ease-of-use with high-
performance digitizing oscilloscope functionality
to simplify your design and analysis measurement
• Traditional oscilloscope front-panel interface
provides direct access to the controls needed
for most troubleshooting tasks
• Graphical user interface with menus,
windows, dialogs, and toolbars provides easy
access to dozens of configuration and
analysis tools, ensuring you can set up and
make the most complex measurements
• Agilent 54835A offers 4 channels, 4 GSa/s
sampling rate in 2-channel mode, 2 GSa/s
sampling rate in 4-channel mode, 1 GHz
• Agilent 54845A offers 4 channels, 8 GSa/s
sampling rate in 2-channel mode, 4 GSa/s
sampling rate in 4-channel mode, 1.5 GHz
• Agilent 54846A offers 4 channels, 8 GSa/s
sampling rate in 2-channel mode, 4 GSa/s
sampling rate in 4-channel mode, 2.25 GHz
Display shows waveforms and graphical user
• Graphical interface allows direct interaction
with waveforms, including drag-and-drop
positioning and instant waveform zoom
• Waveforms displayed in color, making
correlation easy
• Current configuration parameters displayed
near the waveform display and are color-
coded to make identification easy
• Graphical interface menus and toolbars
simplify complex measurement setups
Horizontal controls set sweep speed and position
• Main sweep speeds from 100 ps/div to 5 s/div
• Delayed sweep speeds from 1 ps/div to main
time base setting
• Intensified waveforms on main sweep
window make it easy to see what will appear
in delayed sweep window
Acquisition and general controls start and stop
the scope and do basic setup
• Run and stop controls for continuous or
single-shot acquisitions
• Clear display before one or more acquisitions
• Default setup and Autoscale set initial
Hard disk drive and floppy disk drive for saving
and restoring setups and measurement results
• Store measurement displays for inclusion in
reports and test setup guides
• Store oscilloscope setups to repeat tests
another time
• Hard disk stores oscilloscope operating
Trigger setup controls set mode and basic
• Select Edge, Glitch, or Advanced Modes
• Choose input source and slope
• Set coupling for trigger
• Use graphical user interface to simplify
configuration of pattern, state, delay,
violation, and video triggers
• Use auxiliary trigger to increase triggering
Vertical controls set input coupling, impedance,
attenuation, and position
• AC or DC input coupling
•1 M
Ω or 50Ω input impedance
• Input attenuation adjustable from 2 mV/div to
1 V/div (plus 2 V/div in 1 M
• Color-coded knobs make it easy to find the
controls that affect each waveform
Marker and quick measurements help measure
waveform parameters
• Waveform markers A and B to check voltage
∆−time at any point on the displayed
• Quick Meas executes up to four predefined
measurements instantly
Service Policy
The service policy of this instrument requires
replacing defective assemblies. Some
assemblies can be replaced on an exchange
basis. Items such as the vertical attenuators,
which are subject to wear and tear based on
frequency of use, are a maintenance item that
may need occasional replacement.