Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
POST Code Listing (AMI Motherboard only)
9Bh Returned after setting the RS-232 base address. Performing any required initialization before the
Coprocessor text next.
9Ch Required initialization before the Coprocessor test is over. Initializing the Coprocessor next.
9Dh Coprocessor initialized. Performing any required initialization after the Coprocessor text next.
9Eh Initialization after the Coprocessor text is complete. Checking the extended keyboard, keyboard
ID, and Num Lock key next. Issuing the keyboard ID command next.
A2h Displaying any soft errors next.
A3h The soft error display has completed. Setting the keyboard typematic rate next.
A4h The keyboard typematic rate is set. Programming the memory wait states next.
A5h Memory wait state programming is over. Clearing the screen and enabling parity and the NMI next.
A7h NMI and parity enabled. Performing any initialization required before passing control to the
adapter ROM at E000 next.
A8h Initialization before passing control to the adapter ROM at E000h completed. Passing control to
the adapter ROM a E000h next.
A9h Returned from adapter ROM at E000h control. Performing any initialization required after the E000h
option ROM had control next.
AAh Initialization after E000h option ROM control has completed. Displaying the system configuration
ABh Uncompressing the DMI data and executing DMI POST initialization next.
B0h The system configuration is displayed.
B1h Copying any code to specific areas.
00h Code copying to specific areas is done. Passing control to INT 19h boot loader next.