Whistler 3500 Radar Detector User Manual

VG-2 Audio/Visual Alerts
YYoouu mmuusstt ttuurrnn PPOOPP ffeeaattuurree OOFFFF iinn ooppttiioonn sseelleecctt mmooddee
bbeeffoorree iitt wwiillll ddeetteecctt VVGG--22..
When a VG-2 signal is detected, the detector “hides” its own
radiated signal and becomes undetectable by the VG-2.
Text message confirms detection of VG-2.
Every 30 seconds, the detector checks for a VG-2 signal. If
a VG-2 signal is still present, the unit continues to hide and
repeats the VG-2 alert. If no signal is detected, two beeps
are provided, indicating an “all clear” condition. During a
VG-2 Alert X, K, and Ka band signals cannot be received.
Having a laser/radar detector does not make you invisible or
immune to laser/radar guns. As in the case with detecting
instant-on radar, there are some circumstances that the VG-2
may detect you laser/radar detector before the laser/radar can
detect the VG-2 signal in time to hide. (Reference page 23 for
Radar Detector Detector information.)
Alert Priority
When two or more signals are received at the same time,
the alert priority is:
1. Laser
2. VG-2
3. Speed Radar
4. Safety Radar
If X band is alerting, then suddenly a VG-2 signal is detected,
the VG-2 warning will override the X band alert.
Safety Warning System™ Text
Example: Poor Road Surface:
Note: Not all areas have Safety Warning System™ transmitters.
In communities where transmitters are located, the Safety
Warning System™ displays over 60 text messages. When
Safety Radar is detected, the audio alert is geiger counter-like.
Laser Audio/Visual Alerts
When a laser signal is detected, the word “Laser” and
signal strength is displayed, the audio alert is continuous
for a minimum of 3 seconds. Example:
The more “|||” the closer the laser source.