There are two very effective methods of maintaining this protection:
● Keep your car clean.
Clean the underbody, wheelhousings and the edges of the fenders using water at high pressure.
● Inspect and touch-up the rustproofing if necessary.
The invisible (internal) rustproofing
As part of your maintenance schedule, it is important that the invisible rustproofing (used for beams,
internal cavities and end sections) be retreated first after 36 months and, thereafter, every 24 months.
Bear in mind, if good results are to be obtained, that these sections must be treated with a fine spray of
Volvo-approved rustproofing compound by your authorized Volvo dealer.
pg. 7:4 Rustproofing (cont.)
The visible rustproofing
The visible (external) rustproofing must be inspected by an authorized Volvo dealer at least once a year.
If it is necessary to touch-up the rustproofing, this should be done immediately to prevent moisture
penetration. Wash and dry the car thoroughly before touching up. Use spray-on or brush-on rustproofing
compounds. An oil can with a long flexible spout may be used for parts which are difficult to reach.
There are three different types of rustproofing compounds available:
a) thin (ML), for seams under the car.
b) thin (transparent) for visible parts.
c) thick, for parts on the underbody and wheel housing which experience most wear.
Parts of the car which may need to be touched up (and the recommended rustproofing compound) are:
● visible welded seams and panel seams-(thin)
● underbody and wheel housing-(thick)
● door hinges-(thin)
● hood hinges and locks-(thin)
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